Jonas Mandl is an Industrial Office Administration Apprentice at KNAPP

You can find out what his job involves, what makes it so enjoyable and why he is so glad to work at KNAPP right here!

What are your
main responsibilities?

As an apprentice my everyday work is quite varied and what I actually do depends on the department in which I am working. I’m responsible for helping my colleagues in the department and learning as much as I can from them. I get to do everything from writing texts and creating spreadsheets in Excel to completing tasks in SAP.

What kind of education, experience or interests should you have for your job?

You don’t need any special experience for the industrial office administration apprenticeship. Basically, it’s enough if you’re motivated and eager to learn new things. Of course, it also helps to have an interest in the economic context and how companies do business.

Which three words would best describe your job?

Varied, interesting, fun

What do you like most about your job?

The apprenticeship allows me to get an in-depth look into various departments and gain a comprehensive understanding of the workflows and processes in the company. I regularly meet new people and encounter new perspectives, which I really enjoy.

Why do you enjoy working for KNAPP?

At KNAPP, I have the opportunity to develop my interests and constantly gain new insights into a wide variety of areas.

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