Innovative and popular mobility programme at KNAPP
Every day at KNAPP 370 employees forgo their parking space. This is all due to the employer’s excellent sponsorship of environmentally friendly transportation. The innovative mobility programme, “KNAPP goes green,” has already won several prizes.
KNAPP AG focusses not just on sustainable, ecological growth, but also on sustainable, ecological and social developments. “KNAPP goes green,” the comprehensive mobility initiative, offers many advantages to the employee. Those who give up their company parking space receive an annual ticket for public transportation. For those who are not as well connected with respect to public transportation, the company has top modern electric cars for car poolers. KNAPP received a Styrian mobility prize for the sustainability campaign and was recently honoured with the Energy Globe Styria Award. The project was also nominated for the 2019 TRIGOS sustainability prize in the climate protection category.
CO2 emissions reduction thanks to electric cars and public transportation tickets
It only takes three people to form a carpool! Whether you live in Sinabelkirchen or Modriach – the electric car can go the distance and, while you work, the car can charge at one of 28 available charging stations. The driver can conveniently use the e-car for private purposes and make excursions with their family. “It saves us having to have a second car for our household,” explained Christian Kogler happily – he lives in Ilz and has been in a carpool for almost a year. “Not just that, we enjoy the conversation and talk about everything, shop talk included, of course.” There are 15 cars and 2 vans seating 9 available for the mobility programme. Along with a free ticket for those who give up their parking space, the annual ticket in general is promoted with a 20 % company subsidy. KNAPP employee Katharina Windhaber lives in Graz and works at the Hart bei Graz headquarters. She has been using a free 2-zone ticket for almost a year: “The annual ticket is very valuable for me. I arrive at work relaxed and, in doing so, I save a lot of cash!”
Photovoltaic system at headquarters
Sustainability is made effective thanks to a photovoltaic system on the roof of the company headquarters, which has a peak performance of almost 200 kWh. Not only are the office buildings powered by solar, but all the charging stations for the electric cars. “After almost one year of solar current at our headquarters, we have saved the equivalent of 22 flights from Vienna to Miami!” exclaimed Katrin Pucher, CSR Manager at KNAPP and continued, “Together with our employees, customers and partners, as a company we leave behind an enormous footprint. It is all the more important to recognize the challenges, to enter into dialogue with all the stakeholders and to have the will to change. In the past years, KNAPP has been able to put the term sustainability into practice and to establish it as a firm part of the company culture.”
Mobility programme “KNAPP goes green” – facts and figures:
- 4 million euros invested in the overall concept (public transportation tickets, cars, vans, photovoltaic system, charging stations, etc.)
- 28 charging stations for electric vehicles, powered by the company’s photovoltaic system
- 330 half-year and annual tickets issued since October 2018
- 15 electric car carpools
- 2 large vans for commuting from Slovenia
Karin Reder
Public Relations
Günter-Knapp-Straße 5–7
8075 Hart bei Graz | Austria
Tel.: +43 5 04952 4111
L to R: Dipl. Ing. Franz Mathi, COO KNAPP AG; Armin Lang, Facility Manager; Katrin Pucher, Head of Integrated Management Systems; Regional Minister Anton Lang at the awarding of the Energy Globe Styria Award 2019 at the University of Graz, Photo: © Werner Krug
More than 330 KNAPP employees are already using the annual ticket for public transportation and have given up their company parking space. Photo: ©KNAPP/Kanizaj
The car poolers and their electric cars – in the foreground: Katrin Pucher, Head of Integrated Management Systems and Dipl. Ing. Franz Mathi, COO KNAPP AG with the Energy Globe Award, Photo: ©KNAPP/Kanizaj