Global Logistics Solution:
Victorinox Opts for Central Distribution

Famous around the world, Victorinox has opted to centralize their worldwide distribution and optimize processes. Orders are no longer processed at more than 17 locations; instead, Victorinox delivers to customers in over 120 countries from one highly automated distribution center. In a series of workshops with KNAPP, the company selected a comprehensive automated logistics concept with the all-in-one software package KiSoft One. The package combines warehouse management, warehouse control and machine control systems into one complete vertically integrated program.

1,000 Orders per day
116 High-performance shuttles

Transformation and growth: Victorinox centralizes logistics

Victorinox is famous for their iconic Swiss Army Knife. These knives and the entire range of goods including kitchen knives, perfumes, watches and travel gear from all 17 warehouse locations, have all been consolidated and are now stored in the automated global distribution center. Products are distributed worldwide from the headquarters in Schwyz to wholesalers and stores.
By investing in a highly automated and centralized logistic system, Victorinox has optimized their efficiency, costs, stock management, shipping, and above all, the sustainability of their distribution along every step of the way. Take a peek behind the curtain of this logistics solution and discover how Victorinox is preparing for future growth.

Depiction of the Victorinox warehouse from the outside.

By reorienting our global value chain and using automation technology, we increase efficiency and quality while reducing costs. At the same time, this saves resources, helping us contribute to a sustainable future.

Michaela Argirò,
Chief Supply Chain Officer,
Member of the Executive Board, Victorinox

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Structured methodology for tailor-made logistics

Image of Victorinox CEO Carl Elsener with a pocket knife in his hand.

Understanding the requirements, the business cases and the goals:
To ensure that the automated, centralized logistics provide optimal support for our customers’ operations, we take plenty of time to understand the project goals, requirements, and the business case itself at the start of each project. To accomplish this, we conduct collaborative workshops and follow a structured methodology.

Software depiction of Victorinox warehouse processes.

Software at the center of warehouse design:
During the design phase, all the software processes are first defined based on the business cases and the requirements. Afterwards, we select the right automation technologies and dimension according to the requirements.

Depiction of a shuttle system in operation at Victorinox.

Implementing the physical warehouse:
The knowledge of these processes now had to be translated into a physical warehouse. The greatest challenge was consolidating all the available material data from all 17 separate locations and merging it to create a single common material flow.

We always start by analyzing the customer’s business case, which we use to model the warehouse processes and software functions. Once we’ve done that, we decide which warehouse technologies to use.

Hansjürgen Walter
Head of Software Consulting


central storage system


orders per year


high-performance shuttles


goods-to-person work stations

A custom solution designed for unique requirements

For the new automated global distribution center, Victorinox defined a series of goals to achieve with a tailor-made logistics solution:

Optimized goods flow in the supply chain
Along the entire value chain from supplier to end customer
All types of products shipped and billed together
B2B customers receive one delivery with one invoice regardless of the number and type of products ordered
Fewer billing errors
With plausibility checks
Automation simplifies processes
Simpler processes and semi-automation of labor-intensive tasks
Overall costs reduced
Due to lower operating costs
Optimized inventory
Made possible with central inventory management
Simultaneous access to all products
Thanks to storage in the OSR Shuttle™ Evo
Optimized goods availability
Goods availability significantly improved
Victorinox employee stands in front of a goods-to-person workstation and does value-added services.
Highly ergonomic work stations and software-supported processes ensure optimum quality in order processing.

 Are you interested in a tailor-made logistics solution? 

Our experts are here for you.

Greater efficiency with vertically integrated software

To handle their business cases and functional requirements, Victorinox opted for the all-in-one KiSoft One software. The comprehensive software solution takes care of all warehouse management, warehouse control as well as machine control tasks. This end-to-end, vertical software architecture offers plenty of advantages for Victorinox, both in their daily warehouse operations and along their entire supply chain.

KiSoft One provides a simple and transparent overview of: 

  • Entire product inventory
  • Order scheduling
  • Workloads of individual work stations
  • Route departure time of a specific delivery

With KiSoft One, we have a completely transparent, real-time view
of not only our supply chain, but all our processes.


Dennis Haverkate

Supply Chain Business Process Owner


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